Esports News

IeSF officially launches its international eSports referee academy

International e-sports organization IeSF has officially announced the launch of its training program for the referees of video game competitions, through the International Esports Referee Academy



The new academy is one of the three main pillars of the global esports R&D center located in Busan, South Korea, and its activities will start with its first season scheduled to start on the 24th of February.

With the continuous support of Busan IT Industry, the new academy will provide various ways to strengthen and enhance the field of essports by sponsoring the continuous development of it, as it will set the necessary standards that international and national referees must follow in video game competitions.

Academy training comes through curricula that are specifically designed to achieve the integrity of esports, where IeSF has collaborated with competitive game developers and publishers to ensure a safe environment that contributes to raising the level of success of athletes, teams, and various events around the world.

“Referees are the front-line of all of our member federations,” says IESF President Colin Webster, “as such, the IESF is committed to capacitating referees to the best of its ability to ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of Esports.”

Not only will the academy in Busan be established, but the courses will also be distributed to national organizations for use in training local referees for national competitions. There is no doubt that this will be particularly beneficial to emerging markets, in order to increase the level of recognition in this new field.

Eligible referees will be nominated for the IESF Training Program by member organizations, which will nominate the most suitable people as they see fit. Member organizations have until February 12 to make the choice and to submit names to the IESF, in preparation for the launch of the academy on the 24th of the same month.

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Sam Edge

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