Esports News

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain won’t have David Hayter at all

Ever since the announcement that MGS’s Big Boss will be voiced by Keifer Sutherland instead of our favorite David Hayter , fans have been making theories about how David Hayter would make an appearance somehow inside the game , sadly , he debunked all of the rumors by talking to his twitter and denying being a part of the game.

“Guys, For the millionth — and last — time. I am not in Metal Gear V. In any way. At all. No joke. Just not. True story. Best, DH

— David Hayter (@DavidBHayter) “

Last year , Kojima’s official reply to the questions about replacement was that the team wanted to capture facial motion as will as voice acting and found Keifer to be suitable, he also said that even Keifer is having  a tough time with that : “At this time it has been rather difficult because with Keifer we’re doing facial capture and voice capture, and the recording has been rather difficult. This is because we already have the motion capture from another actor and into that we’re putting the facial acting and the voice acting. So he has to make all these facial changes and motion without moving and we’ve been handing Keifer quite a challenging task.”

In my personal opinion , even though the fans were upset from the change , but you can’t deny that mr.sutherland is doing a fantastic job so far from what we’ve seen , look for yourself at his performance in the latest E3 trailer :

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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