Esports News

This video compares The Division’s map with Fallout 4 and GTA 5

Video games with large game worlds are becoming more and more frequent in the market now days, and with every new game releasing many always wonder how big the map is compare to Game X or Game Y. New examples include the likes of Fallout 4 and GTA V, so how would The Division’s map compare to these two giants.

Apparently, and according to Youtube channel MarcoStyle, which released a video comparing the map size in The Division to Fallout 4 and GTA 5’s Los Santos, the answer is pretty close.

The Division is said to be the denser one, but overall it’s GTA V that takes the cake home. However, Los Santos is meant to be driven across unlike Fallout4 and The Division where you have to walk the entire map, as one player took 21 minutes to walk across the demo which is only %22 of the final map size of The Division.

Watch the video below for more:

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Sam Edge

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