Esports News

Controlling the new Heroes of the Storm character requires two players at the same time

We’re not sure if this had been done before, but Heroes of the Storm recently added a new hero to its cast and it’s “Cho’Gall”, an orc with two heads controlled by two players simultaneously.

Blizzard’s own MOBA kept introducing new heroes ever since launch, but Cho’Gall might be the most unique one. Basically, this monster has two heads representing two characters. Each of the two is responsible of a certain function. While “Cho” controls the movement of the body, “Gall” can activate the mount ability which is a boost in speed. The two of them have many skills with timers so that succeeding in controlling Cho’Gall would require teamwork between the two players.

Also, taking down Cho’Gall would give you two kill points instead of one. However, Blizzard confirmed that this might be a bit difficult as Cho’Gall is almost as tough as a raid boss.

You can have a look at the new hero below. The question remains: Will the idea work with many players working in perfect couples or will it be as random as expected?

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Sam Edge

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