Esports News

EA wants to transform Esports pros into mainstream Superstars

A new interview with EA’s Peter Moore revealed some thoughts on the Esports scene, as EA is trying to focus on this market and its players like it never did before.

Peter Moore thinks of esports as the top tier of a pyramid, the elite players of any game. EA wants to make stars out of all of its players. It’s about appealing everyone, not just the professionals.

Moore thinks that FIFA has an advantage because sport is easily understandable, unlike the complicated multiplayer online kind of games. These games however have the advantage of being a free-to-play title on PC. Games like Madden have a $60 entry barrier across multiple platforms. Moore says that it needs to find a way to complement FIFA ‘s and Madden’s strengths to the things that appeal to esports fans.

Watch the full interview below:


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Sam Edge

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