Esports News

Final Fantasy XV development is 60% complete

Looks like the development of Final Fantasy XV is finally approaching the last 50% after 8 years of wait, according to game’s director Hajime Tabata in a new interview for the title.

“It’s about 60% now. People may look at that and say ‘well, you’ve only done five more percent!’ [since 55% in September] but it’s actually a lot more complicated than that,” he said. “I think we’re looking at a much faster development in the near future.

“In some ways I’m being very conservative in my estimates there and not wanting to put out too big a number. Developing big games on a large scale like this you have uneven development processes where some things are nearly done, and others are still at prototype stage.

“Some things in the middle of development had to be shoved forward to be ready for the public and that’s what we’ve done with the demo. After that’s released and we continue on with development there may be times where we move on with massive leaps and bounds, so the overall number shoots up by 10 percent at a time.”

Tabata also said the the game’s world will be 10 times as large as the Duscae Region shown in the demo. However, only one part of Duscae will be present at the demo comes March 17.

Final Fantasy XV is still without a release date and it’s coming to Xbox One and PS4.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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