Esports News

First FIFA 17 teaser trailer is here and Messi isn’t on the front cover

After a wait that lasted for months we now have our first proper look at the next game in the FIFA franchise, and this teaser trailer confirms the reports about the game using Battlefield’s graphical engine.

Developed using Frostbite Engine instead of Ignite, FIFA 17 is back this year with promises of unparalleled realism thanks to the new engine that will be delivering more thrills than ever. This Teaser trailer is here to get us excited for the full reveal at EA’s pre-E3 conference June 12. One piece of information is that we won’t be seeing Messi on the front cover for the first time since FIFA 13, instead it’ll be four players who are James Rodriguezk، Anothony Martial، Eden Hazard و Marco Reus.

“Frostbite unlocks a whole new world of possibilities for the FIFA franchise and its fans,” said executive producer David Rutter. “We have never been as excited as we are today about the future of football and the experiences we are going to deliver in FIFA 17.”

Watch the video below. FIFA 17 comes to PC, PS4/3 and Xbox One/360 September 27.

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Sam Edge

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