Esports NewsLeague of Legends

Get to know about the upcoming new champion in League of Legends

It’s official—League of Legends’ newest champion will be revealed soon, and today, Riot confirmed some details about it.

It’s going to be a high damage, carry-style jungler that will have a transformation mechanic, sort of like Gnar but different than anything the design team has ever done before. After Ivern’s release in October, Riot wanted to change course from the support jungler and move forward with a high-octane aggressive jungler, akin to Lee Sin, Rengar, and Kha’Zix. Whether or not it will deal AP or AD we don’t know, we just know it will deal a lot of damage.

That’s all we know for sure, but Riot hinted at several other things in its announcement. The title of the section that the new champion was teased is, “A shadow on the horizon,” which definitely sounds like it could be some sort of shadow monster.

But there is no more Details until now

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