Esports News

Get to know more about Metal Gear Online with this gameplay demo

The upcoming multiplayer mode for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain had already had a trailer previously that gave us a general idea about what to expect, but today’s gameplay demo offers some new information and live gameplay fresh from Tokyo Game Show.

The new trailer/demo takes us into a competitive match and introduces the three playable classes Infiltrator, Scout and Enforcer. Each class has its own unique abilities that contribute to the whole team. In order to surpass the opposing players you’ll have to work together and outcome the many obstacles of the other team. The mode that was shown is called “Bounty Hunter Mode” which is a competitive mode where the team with the most Bounty Points by the timer’s end is the victorious one. We’ll let you watch the whole thing for yourself below:

Metal Gear Online will be available to download for PS3/4 and Xbox One/360 October 6. PC players will have to wait until January next year.

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Sam Edge

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