Esports News

Marvelous progression for PS3 emulator and Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation is now playable

Running PS3 games on PC had been a dream for a lot of people, and me personally. Who wouldn’t want to play the Uncharted trilogy or The Last of Us or even perhaps Metal Gear Solid 4 on their PCs, right?

The latest progress for Rpcs3, the first PS3 emulator shows Naruto Shipuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations running at 30FPSon PC, running in a playable state with perfect audio.

The system used to run this emulator is a Windows 10 based system with an AMD FX 8350 running at 4.5GHz when playing this game and an Nvidia GTX 980. The emulator benefits from the latest version of Microsoft’s graphics library DirectX 12, which offers a great boost over the traditional methods in emulation.

Watch the video of the game below:

Emulation is a very hard process, especially when trying to emulate powerful and complex hardware like the PS3’s Cell processing unit. With the help of DirectX 12 and some very clever coding several games have now been shown being successfully emulated on the PC, though most have not been as successful as their 30FPS showing of Naruto Shipuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations with almost perfect visuals and audio.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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