Esports NewsLeague of Legends

Meet League of Legends latest hero Kled

After teasing us with a new announcement regarding League of Legends newest champions, Riot Games had just revealed “Kled” as the latest character to join the roster.K

Kled’s abilities are based on whether or not he’s riding his trusty companion Skaarl. When the dragon-like thing is around, Kled’s health bar is doubled. Once the Skaarl half is whittled away, the little creature runs off leaving Kled to fend for himself and changing up his abilities entirely.

When Kled is riding Skaarl he has a different set of abilities. His Q is Beartrap on a Rope, which attaches the duo to a target and slows them down if they stick around long enough. His mounted E is a targeted dash that can be reactivated if it hits a champion, letting Kled dash right back through them. His ult rolls Skaarl into a ball, significantly increasing movement speed for the pair and any teammates around them. Once the roll is over, Kled will ram into the nearest enemy he runs into.

When Kled is alone, he loses access to his ult and E, but gains movement speed while moving towards enemy champions. His Q changes into a shotgun that knocks him back on use for some quick escapes. Essentially, while he’s on foot, his entire goal is to coax Skaarl out of hiding. He does that by encouraging the little guy by whacking towers, opposing champions, or epic monsters. Once they’re reunited, it’s time to cause terror once again.

Finally, there’s his W passive, which is activated by way of his basic attacks. Once active, his next four autos come out much more quickly, with the last doing percentage health damage. A trading tool and easy way to get Skaarl back, this will be Kled’s primary way of dealing damage in lane. Riot didn’t specify what lane Kled belongs in, but guesses are that he’ll primarily be played in the top lane.

Watch the announcement trailer below:

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Sam Edge

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