Esports News

Microsoft to provide tools for tournaments making on Xbox One soon

Microsoft announced today in front of game developers at GDC that it’s working on a special set of tools that will make it possible to hold tournament on Xbox Live for game developers, under the name of Xbox Live Tournaments Program.

The new feature has been described as “easy to integrate tournaments” and will be customizable to each developer’s liking. The service will be launched and supported by both Xbox One and Windows 10 as a part of the Universal Windows Platform.

Microsoft also announced it’s partnering with big Esports groups like FaceIt and Electronic Sports League (ESL) on a “deep level” as well as more “soon”. This is part of the company’s intention to join the Esports market through various tournaments like last year’s Halo championship.

Will Esports find enough audience on consoles like it does on PC? We’ll find out.

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Sam Edge

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