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The new Patch 8.3 had many big Nerfs in League of Legends

The Patch 8.3 won’t be quite as large as League of Legends’ last patch in terms of balance changes, there are still some big nerfs and buffs that will undoubtedly affect the Meta.



The patch’s balance change portion is headlined by nerfs to extremely annoying champions like Zoe and Sejuani, and it also brings some big buffs to resident basic-attack-bots Tryndamere and Master Yi. Here are the most important changes in Patch 8.3.


Players have been calling for a Zoe nerf for the last few weeks, simply because she’s ridiculously irritating to play against. You can dodge all of her long-range skillshots, and if you get hit by just one max-range Paddle Star, your whole lane is over. In other words, there’s absolutely no room for error.

To remedy this, Riot is increasing the cooldown on Paddle Star, but unfortunately, it isn’t by much. It’s going up by one second at rank one, and by max rank, it will only be about 0.25 seconds higher. Essentially, this means she’ll be able to spam it slightly less at early levels, but by the time it’s maxed out, you won’t notice a difference.


Just like before the preseason, Sejuani has been ruling the jungle Meta these last couple weeks. Her Ganks are filled with more crowd control than almost any other jungler, and she deals decent damage to boot.

To hurt her ganks, Riot is cranking up the early cooldown of her Arctic Assault by a whopping four seconds at first rank. It won’t be any different at max rank, but it’s her ability to control the pace of the early game and then scale into lategame that makes Sejuani really scary, so this is a much needed nerf.


Most of Azir’s pressure in the early stages of laning come from his ability to slide his soldiers over to you whenever he sees fit. In this patch, Riot is reducing the early cooldown of his Conquering Sands to lower his ability to do that. It’s another big four-second nerf, so it should hit him pretty hard.

The attacks of his soldiers will now draw full minion aggro to Azir, too, which should scare him away from poking you so much.


This change won’t affect Ryze’s solo queue performance so much, but the combo of his ultimate ability and Zhonya’s Hourglass or the Stopwatch add a level of safety that makes him very attractive to professional players. But with this Patch 8.3, activating the stasis of either the Stopwatch of the Hourglass will interrupt his ultimate’s cast, rendering the combo ineffective.

Master Yi and Tryndamere – More damage

As much as it sucks to hear that two of the most oppressive basic-attack-bots in the game are getting buffed, we have to be honest with ourselves—they really need it. These buffs are very straightforward, and they should help bring some popularity to the duo in solo queue.

Master Yi’s Wuju Style will grant him more passive damage, and activating it will cause it to deal more true damage. The mana cost of his Alpha Strike is also going down at later levels, improving his lategame. Similarly, Tryndamere’s base attack damage growth per level is going slightly up, and his spin will deal a good chunk more damage.

Cho’Gath visual update

Cho’Gath is one of the game’s oldest champions. Although the big lizard-monster-bug-thing has secured a pretty safe spot in the Meta with decent abilities, those abilities still look like they were designed in 2009 (because they were). This update simply replaces the animations of those abilities with crisp, updated ones, and they finally look worthy of how frightening Cho’Gath is supposed to be.

Finally Swain Full Update

Just like Evelynn, Urgot, and Galio of last year, Swain’s large-scale update is finally here. It will completely redesign him—all the way from his looks down to the nitty-gritty of each ability. The new Swain is a tanky control mage with much more crowd control, and he’ll no doubt leave his mark on the Meta.

Patch 8.3 Highlights

Full Patch Notes –>—Buffed: Jhin, Lucian, Master Yi, Tryndamere, Viktor—Nerfed: Azir, Jarvan IV, Kalista, Katarina, Kog'Maw, Ryze, Sejuani, Zoe—New: Swain Update, Sweetheart Skins (Xayah and Rakan), Lunar Revel Skins (Lux, Nasus, Warwick)

Gepostet von League of Legends am Dienstag, 6. Februar 2018

All of these changes, as well as the rest of Patch 8.3 are available now when update your own game.

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