Esports News

One of Bloodborne players finishes the game without leveling up or healing

Nothing is impossible to do for From Software’s games’ fans, that’s becoming a fact. Do you remember that one player who beat the game using a Guitar? What you’ll see here might be even more hardcore yet more traditional.

Craddoc is one of Bloodborne’s dedicated players who swore to himself to finish the hard-as-nails action RPG without leveling up, healing, or using his guns not even once. This might seem impossible at first but he pulled it off during an unbelievable Twitch stream.

Not healing doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t refill his health, as the game does that autmoatically every time he visits The Hunter’s Dream. But still, his outstanding skill shines and proves he’s one of the game’s best players yet.

You can watch his entire journey on his channel on Youtube. We’ve chosen one of his videos as a highlight which you can watch down here:

Bloodborne released earlier this year exclusively for PS4.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

لاعب شغوف يحب تجربة كافة أنواع الألعاب ومتابع لأخبارها ونواحيها المختلفة. ليست لديه أدنى مشكلة في العودة للعب بعض الألعاب الكلاسيكية القديمة بين الحين والآخر كونه مايزال يظن بأن ذلك كان العصر الذهبي للألعاب.

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