Esports News

Paris Saint-Germain welcomes Ahmad “AAMEGHESSIB” Al-Meghessib to its FIFA roster

French soccer club Paris Saint-Germain had just revealed the latest player to join its FIFA squad, and it looks like the choice fell on the professional Qatari player Ahmad “AAMEGHESSIB” Al-Meghessib.

Ahmad is considered to be one of the top Arab players at the moment. He made it through the FIFA Interactive World Cup qualifiers up to the London finals, where he will be competing wearing his new PSG shirt. The player started his professional career with FIFA 15, and here he is on the global stage in 2017.

« I feel very confident and excited to be competing with such a competitive and challenging group and my hopes are to be capable of qualifying further to the top. » said Ahmad about his current placing in the FIWC 2017 tournament

FIWC 2017 finals will gather 32 of the top players in London where they’ll compete on Xbox One and PS4 for a total prize pool of $1.3 million dollars, with the 1st place winner taking home $200K from that prize. We spoke to last year’s FIWC champion Mohamad Al-Bacha in an interview which you can see here.

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Sam Edge

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