Esports News

Review scores for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain released

Ever since the last chapter of the Metal Gear franchise was announced and expectations were high that it might be one of the best titles of 2015, and here are the reviews that say it loud and clear; Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain IS one of the best games of this year.

The final story of Hideo Kojima’s marvel got reviewed by many gaming websites after the embargo was lifted by Konami, allowing them to share their opinion with the world. Everyone seem to be pleasant with what The Phantom Pain offers as it was named by many the best stealth game of all time and one of the best action titles ever. Reviewers also pointed that the story’s twist will amaze the fans and leave them in awe, even though the story itself was a little bit lacking and depends on the player to interpret as well as being a little slow to progress at times. Other than that, everyone handed 10s and 9s giving the title a 95% score on Metacritic which is the highest yet this year, beating The Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st for PC, PS3/4 and Xbox One/360. New to the series? watch this 15 minutes video made by Eurogamer that explains all that you need to know about the game’s lore before you dive in as fast as possible:

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