Esports News

Skyrim becomes a different game with Enderal mode coming this date

Fans project which might be the largest yet for the action RPG game Skyrim now has a release date to look up to. The hard work put on the Enderal mod is finally coming to an end and the team is ready to share this new adventure with all of the core game’s fans after years of work.

Enderal comes not only with graphical enhancements and new locations, but also with an all new unique story with its quests and characters and everything else. The release is currently slated for July1-3 for the German version with an English one coming just a week after that.

Watch the trailers below and head to the project’s page to know more. Enderal is coming to PC first with no word if it’ll be available through the Special Edition that supports modding of Skyrim when it lands on next-gen consoles this year.

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Sam Edge

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