Esports News

Upcoming trailer for Far Cry Primal will premier at The Game Awards 2015

The next (unexpected) game in the Far Cry franchise is having a new trailer shown at the festival of The Game Awards this year, as revealed in a recent tweet.

Announced last month, Far Cry Primal puts us in the role of one caveman trying to survive the harsh conditions of life in the ice age. Even though the game is drastically different than what we’ve seen previously in the series yet many fans are excited to see how this change plays off.

In a recent tweet made by the event organizer Geoff Keighley, it was revealed that the upcoming Far Cry Primal will be shown at The Game Awards 2015 this December 3.

The new trailer is a part of the ten announced video games’ premiers that will debut for the first time in the event, so keep your eyes open for more.

Far Cry: Primal is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One next year.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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