Esports News

He wanted to buy a PS4 but instead got this

One of the funniest news we’ve had in a while. Someone bought a PS4 and was met with a surprise… a couple of rocks inside the box instead of the actual console.

The unlucky man from Denver bought a PS4 from Walmart only to find out that he paid $400 for a couple of duct-taped rocks filling the console’s slot in the box. One of the employees did say that the device has been once returned. So on his way home, Igor Baksht opened the bundle to make sure it has all the content inside.

“Just to make sure everything was inside, that all the contents were inside, all the games were inside, When I opened it, I said, ‘Oh my God.'”

The store manager agreed on returning the replaced PS4 for Baksht’s money. How and why were there rocks inside the console’s box is still unknown. Hard to believe such a thing could happen since it’s the store’s duty to at least make sure the console is still in a good shape. I guess we can say that the doer was delivering the message that “Playstation 4 rocks”, eh?

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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