Esports News

Xbox One controller now officially supports PC

Microsoft announced that Xbox One controller is now officially compatible with PC games that once used the xbox 360 controller through drivers.

you can download the early access drivers from here , the main release however is going to be a part of a Windows update in the near future , so you should wait if you want the drivers to be fully tested and bug-free.

“We know our fans have wanted PC compatibility, and we know they wanted to be able to use the Xbox One controller with the same games and applications they have been playing with using the Xbox 360 controller,” said Microsoft. “We can’t wait for them to play their favorite PC games with what we consider the best controller ever made.

“The new PC drivers will enable the Xbox One controller to be used with any game that featured gamepad support for the Xbox 360 controller. Simply download the drivers, connect your Xbox One controller to your computer through a micro USB cable and you’ll be gaming in no time.”

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Sam Edge

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