Esports News

Yalla eSports set it’s victory in new championship Hearthstone Cup #13

MEGL or Middle Eastern Gaming League has hosted a special tournament for Hearthstone titled Hearthstone Cup #13.


This tournament has given the Middle East teams a chance to find their place in the world of world championships, although there is a symbolic prize of not more than $ 100, but the value of victory is more moral than material.

The tournament was a player type against a player and announced its end recently with the victory of Yalla eSports first place after continuous victories during the tournament.

Their player Saeed Eliwat scored his first victory with a 1-0 win and then moved on to a second game in which he won 3-0. Things were easy for him so far, but he suffered some difficulties in his third game but managed to win 2-1 and then scored a semi-final victory 3-1 and finally reached the big finals with a strong and enjoyable game won 3-2.

Yalla eSports received a symbolic prize for his first win of $ 50, Venn was second and the winner was $ 30 and we finally finished with Silentkiller with a $ 20 prize.

Silentkiller won third place in a 3-1 win against White Eagle, a new achievement for the same period after winning the UAE DreamHack Open Montreal 2017 for the Counter-Strike shooting game: Global Offensive.

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