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More than 900 classic arcade games are now available for free on your browser

Internet Archive website, a non-profit portal that basically archives all internet’s pages, now has a collection of over 900 classic arcade games from the time period between the 1970’s to 1990’s and is available to play online for free right from your browser.

The new feature called Internet Arcade, a big collection of games including familiar brands like Astro Invader and Pack Man, is now playable with the press of a button accompanied by a historical background to each of it.

“The game collection ranges from early ‘bronze-age’ videogames, with black-and-white screens and simple sounds, through to large-scale games containing digitized voices, images and music,” according to the site’s description. “Most games are playable in some form, although some are useful more for verification of behavior or programming due to the intensity and requirements of their systems.”

The guy who helped putting all of the games together,Jason Scott,  wrote on Saturday that the project took “months of testing, refinement, improvements and efforts.” then he tweeted “Apparently people are now hitting the Internet Arcade at twice the rate of the front page of  so congrats on that.”

Last Year, The Internet Archive opened a collection of 1970s to 80s consoles games collection that you can also view through the main website.

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Sam Edge

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