Esports News

Everything you need to know about WESG tournament with its $5.5 million prize pool

World Electronic Sports Games, the organization responsible for organizing the large global esports annual event, has announced new details of its new edition of the WESG tournament, which will feature competitions in several well-known games with total prizes of $ 5.5 million



The world finals will take place in Chongqing, China, in March next year, where the regional teams will compete in Dota 2, StarCraft II and CS: GO, which is divided into male and female tournaments as usual at WESG.

The qualifiers kicked off on November 13 and will last until December 20, with teams from Asia, Europe, Africa and CIS countries competing with each other through a qualification system divided into two divisions in each region, where open and closed qualifiers will be played.

Open qualifiers take place in a single elimination system and are available to any participating team. Closed qualifiers provide an opportunity for invited teams to compete in a double elimination system, the details of which will be determined later. Although players from Africa, Europe and CIS will compete entirely online for a spot in the major finals, Asian qualifiers will qualify them for the Asia Pacific Final first, which in turn qualifies them to play in the finals in China.

Players from the above continents can enter the official link of WESG to find out the details of the various games competitions, where they choose the title and the country they want to represent The 2019-2019 will not require one nationality for all team players, as two players of different nationalities from the rest can play in the team (as long as the remaining three have the same nationality).

Watch the trailer below. Good luck to all participants!


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Sam Edge

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