Esports News

Activision reportedly buys MLG for $46 million

The biggest name in the Esports domain, MLG or Major League Gaming might be now a part of the entertainment colossal company Activision, which owns Call of Duty one of MLG’s main competitive games.

According to reports looks like Activision completely bought MLG for a whooping $46 million dollars, in an attempt to spread its dominance even further in the Esports world. The news aren’t official yet as none of the two firms confirmed the deal but it’s likely to be true.

MLG might change from the picture we used to know, as the reports point out that the company’s CEO Sundance DiGiovanni stepped down and is being replaced by the CFO Greg Chisholm. The reports also say that MLG didn’t consult its investors which made some of them upset.

MLG was founded in 2002, to become later the forefront of the competitive gaming world, with a wide spread worldwide and many arenas and tournaments. It’s unknown what will happen in the future but we can expect a further focus on Activision’s own competitive games’ tournaments like Call of Duty.

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Sam Edge

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