Video Games News

Battle Royale turns into a reality in this gruesome PUBG-esque event

One hundred participant will be competing for a huge prize in a unique real-life event inspired by the famous PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds game, which took the world by a storm since it launched two years ago

The real Battle Royale experience is coming to life on a private island to be purchased by one of the game’s fans who happens to be a millionaire. The wealthy individual is looking to set the event through, which is described as “Amazon for millionaires”.

The anonymous millionaire will look for a developer who will handle the technical aspects of this realistic game, which will make use of the touch system to record hits. That’s right, we are talking “Airsoft” here or in other words, no one will actually kill each other as players do in Pochinki.

100 people will be invited randomly to compete for the $100,000 prize, while $50,000 will be allocated to the developer for six weeks of work to organize the event. As for the basic rules of the game, the participants will compete for 12 hours a day and camp to rest  at night, where they are provided with food and drink and the presence of medical staff ready for emergencies.

This sounds really interesting, but we’re hoping that this competition doesn’t turns into a pool of blood and a new horror story waiting to happen (as the prize might prove really tempting). We hope that everything goes well, just so we can get a look on how PUBG would be like in real life.

In other related news, players can compete virtually without risking real injuries through the PUBG Mobile Club Open 2019 tournament, which has kicked off its qualifiers recently.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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