Esports News

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night becomes the most funded game in Kickstarter history

The funding campaign of Koji Igarashi’s latest production successfully ended. It hadn’t only raised the required amount to develop the game but it also managed to meet every single stretch goal made becoming the most funded game in Kickstarter’s history.

Igarashi or IGA as he likes to call himself is the famous producer of the older Castlevania games and the creator of the IGAvania type of games. Ever since he worked on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and he’s considered one of the most iconic game developers out there. After retiring from Konami many of us waited to see what would his next project be, and luckily for us, we were introduced to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night through the crowfunding website Kickstarter. Where the whole project was funded and fans managed to raise over $5.7 million dollars becoming the most funded game on the website.

Stretch goals met include 3 playable characters, online co-op, Wii U and PS Vita versions, and the voice acting of Solid Snake’s David Hayter.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is coming 2017 for PC, PS4/Vita, Xbox One and Wii U. More info, pictures and trailers will be revealed on the course of development. You can visit the Kickstarter page of the game here.

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Sam Edge

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