CS:GOEsports News

Coldzera is leaving MIBR to start a new journey with another team

It seems that the rumors circulated by the community of Counter-Strike fans were correct, with the departure of the Brazilian CS: GO player Marcelo “coldzera” David from MiBR


The news were not announced by the player at first, but through coach Wilton “zews” Prado, who confirmed the rumors about the departure of the player to a new organization. According to “Zews”, Coldzera had asked to leave the team after the disappointing loss of ESL One Cologne, where he felt that his trip with the team had faced a dead end.

“We have come to the conclusion that the moment we need to live is one of rebuilding for the future and the earlier we start, the better,” Zews said. “Not only for our starting lineup but for our team culture. Management, coach and players need to all be aligned in order for us to well represent not only MIBR, but everything and everyone that entails in its legacy.”

As for the real reason for the departure of the 24-year-old professional, he later revealed on Twitter that it was his failure to find success with his current team and how the team dealt with the failures, which made him feel demotivated.

“One of the reasons I’m leaving is because I’m feeling demotivated and I’m stressing out too much with the way we’re dealing with the defeats,” Coldzera said. “Instead of trying to find the solution in the game, we’re looking for even more problems and that started to have an impact on my performance.”

Other reasons said that the team “doesn’t know how to use [him] or listen to [him] in the game anymore.” according to the Brazilian pro, who revealed that he had thought of leaving for more than a year but remained in the hope that the team’s situation would improve.

Although the team has a number of big names players, notably Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo and Fernando “fer” Alvarenga, it has not found success since its return in 2018. We do not know who will replace “Coldzera” permanently, but the coach “zews” will replace him in the coming period until finding an alternative.

As for the player’s destination, some sources seem to be talking about an upcoming signing with FaZe Clan, which is looking for new talents for the team after recent disappointing performance. A little chat between “Coldzera” and “NiKo” last week hinted that the players are willing to play together soon, so it is only a matter of time for the deal to happen.

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Sam Edge

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