Esports News

Confirmed sources reveal that PS4K is in fact real

After we’ve heard recently about a newer, more powerful model of the PS4 that is being developed by Sony currently, it seems that the thing is indeed real with this new report by Digital Foundry based on established sources.

The original piece of news spoke about a new console by Sony that will come this year with a huge leap in hardware power to allow 4K playback for games. If this happens then the PS4.5 or what appears to be PS4K will be the first model in a same generation to feature more powerful specs over its predecessor.

The new device according to sources will have the same original architecture of the PS4 while being upgraded to run 4K thanx to a newer GPU and APU that uses 16 or 14nm technology in place of the current 28nm.

We’ll be waiting for official response from Sony.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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