Video Games News

DrDisrespect compares his current income to his previous job and the gap is massive

It is no secret that the profession of livestreaming has become a dream for many people around the world, how could it not when pioneers such as “Ninja” and “Shroud” have achieved stardom and wealth? It makes their profession a much desired one for a good reason, and one famous streaming celebrity “DrDisrespect,” has just revealed the big difference between his current earnings and his previous regular salary.




The “Two times champion” as he calls himself has revealed in a new broadcast some interesting figures from his previous work, where he helped work on the series of Call of Duty in Sledgehammer Games. Apparently, Guy “DrDisrespect” Beahm earned “$56,000 after three years of working on a project, and additional bonuses close to that figure.”

The conversation opened after a fan sent a donation message asking them the financial status of the famous streamer. He said that compared to Twitch, his profits “have surpassed millions” just putting on a show, saying there is no room for comparison.

Going back to the past a bit, Guy talks about 2012-2015 without a doubt. He started his gaming career as a level designer of Advanced Warfare as his fans know, but he reached the crossroads with Sledgehammer in 2015 when he decided to pursue the YouTube career and live stream a character. “DrDisrespect” is a character he plays, which quickly became world-renowned for entertainment and production level not found in any other streamer.

To date, DrDisrespect has 3 million followers and more than 22,000 subscribers through Twitch, which does not include Dr’s other work, paid live streaming from gaming companies, tournaments, promotion and advertising deals with companies such as GFuel and more.


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Sam Edge

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