Esports News

Escape from New York publisher almost sued Metal Gear Solid if not for Kojima

In an interesting piece of news today, we got to know that the company that owns rights to the 80’s Hollywood movie “Escape From New York” almost sued Metal Gear Solid, the game that took lots of references from the movie of director John Carpenter.

Carpenter recently had an interview in which he talked a bit about Metal Gear Solid. When asked about the lawsuit against Lockout writer Luc Besson that the company won, he mentioned that they were also going to sue Metal Gear games if not for Kojima being a nice guy.

“CanalPlus wanted to go after the video game Metal Gear Solid, which is kind of a rip-off of Escape From New York, too, But I told them not to do that. I know the director of those games, and he’s a nice guy, or at least he’s nice to me.”

So it appears that Hideo Kojima’s manors and good connections were the reason we still have Metal Gear Solid today, the game franchise that he did confess was inspired by many 80’s movies and borrowed few things from them.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the last part in the series and is now available on PC, PS4/3 and Xbox One/360.

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Sam Edge

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