Esports News

Fatal Frame: The Raven Haired Shrine Maiden gets a box art shot

Wii U’s exclusive new Fatal Frame, titled Fatal Frame: The Raven Haired Shrine Maiden (that’s a long name, hoping the western release if any will have a shorter one), has just got a box art leak for the Japanese release from Amazon Japan.

The new game will be focused around the concept of water, so that explains box art having the two female leads covered in water and facing eachother upside down.

Set on an ancient mountain called Hikamiyama, known for being a “mountain of death.” The game’s legend states that only those who willingly choose to die go there at “the witching hour” or oumagatoki, which is the time when the boundary between the real world and the world of the dead is blurred.

Fatal Frame: The Raven Haired Shrine Maiden is having a Japanese release on September 27 for the Wii U, a western release is yet to be announced, and we haven’t seen lots of news about this title so hopefully more is to be revealed soon, until then have a look at the box art below.


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Sam Edge

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