Esports News

FIFA 17 to use Frostbite engine instead of Ignite this year

Are we about to see the biggest leap in a FIFA game since the last few iteration? It surely looks so, as today’s news are that FIFA 17 will use Frostbite game engine in place of Ignite.

The DICE-developed Frostbite Engine showed us great level of graphics in Battlefront and the upcoming Battlefield 1. There’s no doubt that FIFA will benefit greatly from this top-class engine in being the most realistic FIFA game to date.

The report published by one website said that all of EA’s upcoming games will be using Frostbite to unify the technology of the company. Alongside Mirror’s Edge, Battlefield 1 and others, FIFA 17 and other sport titles will make the jump from the special Ignite engine that was developed for sports games.

We’ll have to wait until E3 this June to know more about FIFA17, which is claimed to have been in development for three years.

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Sam Edge

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