Dota 2Esports News

Former Team Liquid leader KuroKy assures fans on his next team

When the five legendary Team Liquid players left their former organization, many thought it might be the end for the amazing Dota 2 lineup, but a new statement by their leader Kuro “KuroKy” Takhasomi rekindled the fans’ enthusiasm again



The news of KuroKy and MinD_ContRoL leaving, as well as the Arab trio Amer “Miracle-” Al Barqawi, Maroun “GH” Merhej and Alawi “w33” Omar came as a shock to many, especially with the team’s legendary performance in The International 9 which almost gave them their second victory in the global tournament, only to be stopped in their tracks by OG. However, according to the players, the decision to leave the organization was not the result of any disagreements or shortcomings on the part of Liquid, but the desire of the players to build their own organization.

Indeed, with ESL One Hamburg ending with TNC Predator winning, KuroKy took the opportunity to reveal that more news about his upcoming organization will be revealed ahead of the upcoming Minor / Major tournament qualifiers. Not only that, but he also confirmed that the team members will stay the same in Dota 2.

Although he kind of assured that the players would remain the same before, it was not officially confirmed. Now with the new tweet, fans can sigh of relief that their stars will stay together for the next TI10.

The new organization will be based in the European continent, where Alliance will be its biggest rival there as Ninjas in Pyjamas moves to North America. Unfortunately, the new Liquid lineup has not impressed us yet, with its failure to achieve any significant results to compensate for the absence of former giants.

The next Dota 2 qualifiers will begin on December 1, so we can expect more information in the time period between now and then.


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Sam Edge

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