Esports News

Fortnite World Cup revealed as the largest Fortnite eSports event

As promised, Epic Games has finally revealed the first details on Fortnite’s biggest event yet, the Fortnite World Cup


The announcement came right after inaugural E3 tournament Pro-Am, which gathered 100 of pro players and celebrities and it ended with Tyler “Ninja” Blevins and Marshmallow team on top. According to Epic, the World Cup aims to support the competitive scene of the game with qualifiers happening later this year.

The first Fortnite World Cup is taking place early in 2019. The tournament will only feature Solos and Duos competition, but Epic has said that there will be future events that include Squads. Competitiors in the qualifiers will be based off merit and Epic promises it will not “sell teams or franchises, and won’t allow third-party leagues to do so either.” Official rules, code of conduct, and platform details will be revealed at a later point.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is now one of the most popular video games on the planet, with over 125 million people jumping out of the Battle Bus. Epic plans to support the esports-minded players, evident by its announcement that $100 million in prize pool money will be on the line in 2018-2019 season.

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Sam Edge

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