Esports News

Global Metal Gear Online tournament announced

Konami in collaboration with ESL organization have just announced the first-ever Esports global tournament for the multiplayer portion of the latest Metal Gear Solid game, and there’s a prize pool of $12.000 on the line.

Teams will be competing through a series of tactical battles that take place in November. Each region will have its winners with a $1.000 each from the total of $12.000 that will be spread between the winners of the tournament. Participants will also get experience points that increase their level and make them better soldiers in this addition of Metal Gear Online.

You can now register with your team through here. Tournament is open globally for owners of the game on PS4 and you can choose a region to participate in from the following: Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Console owners have already started enjoying the online part of the game while those on PC will have to wait until January 2016 to play it on Steam.

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Sam Edge

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