Esports News

Halo: The Master Chief Collection will require a 20GB day-one update

Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which is coming exclusively for Xbox One and includes all of the Halo releases so far, is said to have a day-one patch in the size of 20 Gigabytes to get all the multiplayer features.

Executive producer Dan Ayoub said that Master Chief Collection has filled the entire Blu-ray disc which is about 45GB , so there will be a day one patch with an extra 20GB to include more features, luckily, the update is for the multiplayer portion of the game, so you won’t have to download it in order to play the full single player experience.

“Yes, the update is large, but we weren’t about to cut corners to save disc space,This ensures that you are getting every bit of Halo goodness we can fit in. Our work is not done, however, as we continue to tune, tweak and optimize the online experience to ensure a smooth multiplayer launch. This will continue right up until launch day.”

Halo: The Master Chief Collection comes to Xbox One 11 November in most regions.

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Sam Edge

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