Esports News

Here’s Epic Games’ new TPS MOBA game Paragon

Epic Games announced their latest game yesterday at Playstation Experience, and it’s a new TPS MOBA shooter that was teased not so long ago under the name Paragon.

The game puts the player in “direct third-person control” of the character. It will feature an “ever-expanding” roster of heroes and players will be able to earn cards to customize their abilities. The cards will give players the opportunity to “create dominant strategies” and use different combinations to change gameplay and unlock other strategic choices.

It features 5v5 battles in three lanes taking place in jungles. There will be minions, towers, cores and other classic elements of a MOBA game. It is coming to PC, as we already know, but as a PS4-exclusive as well.

Epic showed the announce trailer which was captured entirely in Unreal Engine 4. It’s posted below as well as the gameplay trailer.

Paragon is expected to have an Early Access Spring 2016.

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Sam Edge

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