League of LegendsVideo Games News

The huge updates for some champions in League of Legends have all been completely reverted

That’s right, neither Janna, Yasuo, Malphite, nor Vayne will be seeing the changes they so rightfully need in Patch 7.17, because recent PBE updates have pulled them all down from the testing server.



That’s not necessarily a bad thing, depending on who you talk to. Where there are tons of players disappointed to not see these problems squashed right away, there is an equal amount of fans that are pleased to see the meta remaining relatively the same all the way through Worlds.

The next couple of patches are very important. Teams will be playing on them to decide their Worlds placements, and much more importantly, one of these patches will be the Worlds patch itself.

This doesn’t mean that these changes will never happen. In fact, most of the changes were promising, and Riot intends to try them out again after Worlds is over. Malphite’s changes, specifically, were the latest changes pulled from the PBE, but a Rioter on Reddit promised they’ll be revisited.

The next patch 7.17, however, will be exceptionally boring aside from the release of League’s newest champion, Ornn.

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