Esports News

IESF announces participating nations in its 11th World Championship

IESF has revealed that its 11th edition of the Esports World Championship will see the attendance of a large number of countries, with the competition starting in December.



According to the organization’s press release, a total of 47 countries have applied to participate in the world championship, which is held in South Korea, Seoul, among the three competitive games present. Given that the next tournament will be the biggest of its kind where players represent their nations, it is easy to see why it has such a large attendance.

Attendees are divided between games as follows:

  • DOTA 2 – 21 Nations
  • eFootball PES 2020 – 33 Nations
  • Tekken 7 – 34 Nations

The 11th World Championship will be held from December 11 to 15, and is the largest gathering of professionals to represent their countries and raise their names high through their passion for the field of electronic sports.

It is noteworthy that among the participating nations are a number of Arab countries such as the Syrian Arab Republic, which recently became a member after the establishment of the Syrian Electronic Sports Association last year.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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