Esports News

The Last Guardian development is still going, might release for PS4

One of the titles we’ve anticipated so much without hearing many information about was The Last Guardian; the PS3 exclusive announced in 2009 and haven’t been on the news for a long time. Many people lost hope of it ever releasing but here are some new good news confirming that development is still going and under new conditions, presumably coming to PS4.

In an interview with game’s creator Fumito Ueda about the next title of Team Ico, he expressed that the scope of the project still continues to amaze him. Which is why it has seen all the delays and made the jump to the next gen console.

He also confirmed that the team is making progress under completely new conditions, and that he’s working on other things he want to share with us if the progress went smoothly.

So The Last Guardian isn’t dead yet, we hope to see some new footage of the game under those new conditions next E3.

Game’s 2009 trailer:

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Sam Edge

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