Esports News

Microsoft boosts Xbox One performance thanx to the latest SDK

In a new effort to increase the performance of the latest Xbox Console, Microsoft released their latest SDK version for Xbox One to the games’ developers recently. Looks like the new features are helping to increase the performance of the console.

Many enhancements have been added to the latest Software Development Kit. The most noteworthy one is the better ESRAM high speed memory control usage, Which resulted in a great performance gain despite requiring more work from the developers.

Programmers at Techland managed to take advantage of the gains and made the zombie open world game Dying Light work at 1920*1080 30 FPS, similar to the Playstation 4 version.

“We were using the latest version just prior to the new release that came out on December 12,” said Maciej Binkowski, a lead game designer at Techland, in an interview with GamingBolt. “In terms of advantages, the main thing is just how much the ESRAM control has improved. The new API allows you to do a lot more with the ESRAM, things devs have always wanted to do but were not easily accessible. This together with better tools (performance investigator for Xbox) allowed us to really improve performance and tweak ESRAM usage.”

The new features allow developers to squeeze more performance out of their Direct3D applications. However, the hardware of the device is still the same and graphically-intensive games will still suffer from the lower performance of the console. But at least the gap is smaller now between the Xbox One and PS4.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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