Esports News

Mysterious announcement about Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain this Wednesday

A new tweet from Kojima Production Twitter account has raised some questions about the latest Metal Gear Solid game. As the team uploaded a picture you can see below that indicates an important announcement for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain this Wednesday March 4.

The countdown that can be seen below refers to the date given and to the time of 2PM GMT. You can watch it tick on the official website to get more hyped. So what’s the new announcement going to be?

Many fans are speculating the reveal of a release date which has been rumored for quite a while now. But we can’t confirm anything since we got used to Kojima trolling his fans with each new announcement.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is coming to PC, PS3/4 and Xbox One/360 this year.


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Sam Edge

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