Esports News

Official logo for Esports World Championship revealed, here’s what it symbolizes

The international video games tournament organized by IeSF is coming back this year for its 10th anniversary, and it’s bigger than ever. Wondering what will the logo be like for Esports World Championship 2018? Here it is


In partnership with Chinese Taipei eSports Association (CTeSA), the International Esports Federation (IESF) has just revealed theg logo for its upcoming 10th Esports World Championship to be held in Kaohsiung city, China later this year.

The logo symbolizes the infinite potential of esports and the athletes joining the Esports World Championship, receiving its motif from the symbol of infinity. The colors of the symbol represent two distinctive natures of Kaohsiung city; vibrant sunshine and energetic sea waves. As a unit, it represents the infinite support and development of esports.

Esports World Championship 2018 is said to be the largest event yet in IESF history, both in size and in scale, as it celebrates ten years of successful competitive video gaming tournaments. You can learn more about the upcoming event through the official link here. Stay tuned for more news in the coming weeks.

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Sam Edge

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