Esports News

P.T demo is back with PuniTy on PC

Recreation, fan project, graphics engine training….call it what you will. The important thing is that you can now experience the P.T demo as close as it can be after being pulled from PS4 store due to Silent Hills cancellation, thanks to “Punity”.

It all started when “Farhan Qurashi”, a developer living in the States, decided to remake the famous hallway of the original P.T demo using Unity engine for PC. He ended up designing everything from scratch to be the exact same as P.T after 104 hours of work, sadly without all the puzzles and naration…but it’s still good enough.

You can download PuniTy as he called the demo below if you’ve always wanted to experience P.T but never had the chance, this is the closest it can get (it also has Lisa don’t worry).

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Sam Edge

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