Esports NewsOverwatch

Power eSports forms the first Arab Female Overwatch roster, and here are the details

A step that may seem small on the scale of global esports, but is in fact a great one in the field of local competitions in the Arab region towards a future where there’s no exception to anyone who has the spirit of competition and skillful enough to chase this passion.  Power eSports female Overwatch team aspires to pave the way for that goal



It’s a group of passionate girls who have been caught up in Overwatch, one of the most popular online games, and have reached high rankings in the game to attract the attention of the local game community, drawing the attention of Power eSports which adopted their talents in a promising lineup.

Since 2010, Power eSports has introduced a number of powerful squads in the games of Call of Duty, FIFA, Overwatch and others. However, it is used to be always composed of skilled male professionals with the desire to work hard to reach the best rankings, but what about the female players? In fact, the Power female lineup for Overwatch will be the first in the region, promising support of professional female players in the Arab world.

The players’ experience is varied in different games and roles. Most of the players in the team have gathered their enthusiasm for competition first in the game of Call of Duty with its different iterations starting with the fourth CoD launched in 2007 onwards. Through their participation in sites such as Plus Gamer and Game Art, the players have been competing in the game tournaments including Snipers. At GCON Games, Bam_fighter was second in the BlackOps3 Championship. Also in FIFA, “xiEllie_” competed in a tournament held at the PressStart event of King Saud University to take second place after reaching the final of the competition. And many other experiences and achievements in various games such as the League of Legends and Fortnite, where competition is increasing.

In Overwatch, “rcactus” participated in the league of ConsoleEsportsOW to lead the team first place without losses. To mention the team’s progress in the game, the highest SR reached “Bam_fighter” to 4060SR and “Lavender-H” was among the top 100 Mercy rated at 4157 SR. “XBirdey” deserved its position in the top 15 list at the top SR and reached SR 4253.

The inception of the team was during the period of the summer of 2018, where the group of Overwatch players competed almost daily in 6v6 games for fun and to gain experience in team play. As the team members continued to be involved, they were encouraged to play together formally.

The team focuses on increasing the efficiency of collective plans and tactics in different game maps and character formation, and believes that the harmony between team members is what makes a difference. Therefore, the team aspires to develop the levels it offers and seeks to improve them continuously so that the skills of the actual members will appear.

“There is no doubt that the competition in esports is strong and is serious in development and training, we hope to see professional tournaments among the local teams to raise the level of competition, and of course we encourage other teams to include female players under their banner to support their unique skills. Power eSports speaks.


– Power eSports female Overwatch roster:

  • “Bam_fighter”
  • “_xiEllie”
  • “rcactus”
  • “Lavender-H”
  • “xBirdey”

We wish all the best for the team in its next competitions, and we are definitely waiting to see more teams that follow the same steps in including as many types of gamers as possible in the local competitive arena, as this will continue to develop the field of electronic sports and increase recognition within the community, benefiting female and male players alike.

You can follow Power eSports on Twitch/ Twitter/ Youtube.

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Sam Edge

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