Esports News

PS4’s Global sales pass 7 million units sold

Sony’s latest gaming console , the Playstation 4 , has passed 7 million units sold to date in 72 countries worldwide.
here are some numbers about the PS4’s journey so far :

– More than 135 million shares were made via the “Share” button in Dualshock4 , 4.9 million gameplay broadcasts on Ustream and Twitch , with over 90 million viewing sessions .

– Games sales for the PS4 passed 20.5 million, both digital and retail .


– Sony is said to release 120 PS4 games this year , the most famous titles would be : Destiny, The Elder Scrolls Online, Alien: Isolation, NBA 2K15, Watch Dogs, Driveclub and The Order 1886, – as for indie games, the most notable are : N++, GALAK-Z: The Dimensional, Transistor, Secret Ponchos, The Witness, Octodad: Dadliest Catch and Daylight.

Sony Computer Entertainment president and group CEO , Andrew House , said :

“The response from the global gaming community for PS4 has been overwhelming and we are truly humbled that gamers are selecting PS4 as their next generation console of choice,
“The PS4 journey has just begun, and although we are still facing difficulties keeping up with the strong demand worldwide, we remain steadfast in our commitment to meet the needs of our customers, and surpassing the wildest expectations of gamers by delivering new user experiences that inspire and engage. We look forward to unveiling many of these experiences to our fans in the coming months.”

Congratulations to Sony and their PS4 for passing this millstone !

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Sam Edge

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