Esports News

Rise of the Tomb Raider looks amazing on PC with this trailer

Developers at Crystal Dynamics have released a new trailer in preparations for the launch of Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC, in which we got to see some of the new technologies used to bring the game to life thanx to the powerful hardware of the platform.

The PC version of Lara Croft’s latest uses some graphical features that weren’t used in the Xbox One version. The most important ones being HBAO+, Anisotropic Filtering, and Tessellation to make the experience even more realistic. The devs teamed with GPU makers at Nvidia to push the limits of what can be done in the game when it’s released tomorrow.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is named as one of the best Tomb Raider games to date. It got high scores for both the Xbox version and PC scoring 9s and 8s all around.

Watch the trailer below:

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Sam Edge

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