Esports News

Sony goes back again to reconfirm PS+ edition of Driveclub

Many Playstation Plus subscribers were hit with confusion once they heard that the promised Driveclub PS+ version may never see the light, and that Sony can’t guarantee it ever releasing. Which led Sony to release a statement about the issue via a spokesperson.

Jim Ryan’s comment yesterday made Sony go back again to reconfirm that a PS+ edition is still coming despite the delay and it’s working on improving the servers for its release.

“We are continually working on improving the server capacity to enable us to launch the PS Plus Edition as quickly as possible, Although currently we do not have an update regarding the timing for the launch.”

So it’s a reassuring comment to some extent for those willing to try Driveclub once it hits the store but the only question remains is “When”. Driveclub is available on PS4 for a full price meanwhile.

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Sam Edge

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