Esports News

Sony joins the Esports craze with PlayStation Tournament

Who said you have to leave your couch in order to compete in Esports?

It looks like Sony is partnering with ESL to bring the competitive gaming experience to your home with tournaments organized by the company for the first time, following in the footsteps of Microsoft and lately Nintendo. PlayStation Tournament is the name and the first one of which will be centering around NBA 2K17 from October 27 to November 26 with Major Cup matches each Saturday.

The whole tournament is online so you will only be needing your PS Plus subscription, ESL account and the game itself. You can start by linking your ESL account with PSN ID and participate in the upcoming event.

There’s no max pool number of players so we don’t know how the choosing of players will be since matches are 1v1. When the tournament concludes the player with the highest score will win “PlayStation Gear” and controllers as well as bragging rights of course. This first tournament will serve as an experiment for Sony as it will benefit from it in organizing future events.

اظهر المزيد

Sam Edge

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