Esports News

Sony reportedly unlocked the 7th CPU core for the PS4

It’s not hard to see the clear advantage PS4 has over its rival the Xbox One in most games nowadays. We always see games running at a higher resolution compared to Microsoft’s solution, yet the frame rates could be benefiting soon from an increase in power caused by the unlocking of the 7th CPU core.

Many developers confirmed that the latest update of the PS4 devkits made it possible for them to work with the 7th core of AMD’s 8-cores Jaguar processor in the device. This allows an alright increase in performance that will make PS4 the clear winner power-wise.

There were 6 dedicated cores for games previously, with the other two reserved for the OS and other tasks. The new update makes it possible for this 7th core to move back and forward between games and other tasks.

Microsoft did the same thing previously and got an increase of 10-15%, so it’ll be interesting to see how much will the PS4 gain in upcoming releases.

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Sam Edge

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